
From intimate ceremonies to grand celebrations, The Flower House delivers on beauty.

Our team of skilled & experienced florists specialize in creating organic garden-style designs that are light & airy, using a diverse selection of fresh blooms to exude an elegant feel. We work closely with our brides to customize each item to best reflect the wedding day vision!

To take the next step by clicking here to complete a short questionnaire.

Our Process

1. Fill out the inquiry form. You don't have to know everything or even have specifics in mind! It's just a starting place to give our team the information we need to create an estimate for you.

2. You'll receive a general estimate based on what your questionnaire indicated.

3. If you'd like to move forward with booking a consultation, let us know & we'll get it scheduled! There is a consultation fee of $50 - if you end up booking with us that will be put towards your final cost.

4. We'll meet for our consultation to dream, talk details & possibilities, and narrow in on what your wedding day hopes are.

5. You'll receive a detailed visual proposal to review and the option to submit a 20% deposit to have us booked!

6. We'll be in contact and communicate throughout your planning process, we're here to help!